Ethiopia Capital city: Addis Ababa
Population ( 2017): 105 million
Surface area: 1.13 million sq km (437,794 sq miles)
Languages: Amharic (official language) and Tigrinya, Oromigna, Guaraginga, Somali, Arabic. English is also the administrative language.
Religion: Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, Muslim and Protestant Christianity
Topography: Ethiopia has an elevated central plateau varying in height from 2,000 to 3,000 meters above sea level. There are around 25 mountains whose peaks reach over 4,000 meters in the North and the Centre of the country. The most famous Ethiopian river is the Blue Nile or Abay, which flows a distance of 1,450 kilometres from its source to join the White Nile in Khartoum.
Currency: Ethiopian Birr (ETB)
Time: GMT+3
Telephone code: +251
Electric supply: 220 Volts 50 cycles AC (Adapters can be easily found in all major cities)
Life Expectancy: 63 years (men), 67 years (women)
GDP (2019): $240.168 billion (total)
GDP by sector (2015): Agriculture (47%), Industry (10.8%), Services (42.2%)
Become 7 years younger in the land of 13 months of sunshine.
Ethiopia is the only Christian country that still follows the Julian calendar and consequently it is seven years and eight months behind the rest of the Christian world (which follows the revised Gregorian calendar). Thus, the Ethiopian calendar consists of 13 months: 12 months of 30 days and another month of five (or six days in leap years) days duration.
If this can be confusing, you also need to know that Ethiopians measure time in cycles of 12 hours starting when the sun rises at 6 a.m.